CLICK HERE to view the 2025 Stage Schedule
Marianne Binetti Author, Garden Expert
Sue Goetz CPH, EcoPro, Author, Designer
Kris Hay, is just like you… a local homeowner, she’s eager to tap the knowledge of the Tacoma Home + Garden Show experts! Since purchasing a 1960’s split-level in '03, Kris and her husband have dealt with a variety of repairs and improvements – window replacement and attic insulation to increase energy efficiency, re-roofing and chimney re-builds after leaking issues, and a full remodel of the bottom level after their hot water heater failed and flooded the basement, to name a few. Next, they plan to tackle the upstairs kitchen, bathrooms, and landscaping. They are especially interested in using earth-friendly products, and in making upgrades that will allow them to age in place. When she isn’t pondering her next home project, Kris is busy compiling a cookbook. Tacoma Aroma: Savor the Flavor, features recipes from South Sound chefs and mixologists, and is set to publish later this year. Learn more at and follow Kris’ locavore lifestyle @Tacoma.Aroma.Flavor on Instagram and Facebook.